

Bio: West Ham Talk & Some more Football Chat on the side // Previously worked with FourFourTwo magazine, and current blogger for FootballFanCast

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3 thoughts on “About”

  1. I saw your blog and really enjoyed it. I have a unique sports website, fanthem.com that is dedicated to bringing citizen sports journalists to the forefront by highlighting great writers like yourself. You can create new content or re-post your blog content on fanthem.com and increase your blogs exposure while also getting more interaction from readers. Let me know if you are interested!


      1. Great! All you need to do now is create a profile on our website, fanthem.com. If you have a facebook account, it is easiest to log in through that. From there, on the upper right hand of the website, there is a “create” button that will show up once you are logged in and you are ready to create content. You can still post on this blog, so all you need to do it copy it onto our website! If you have any articles that are still relevant and not outdated, you can even start with posting those on the site. We share most of our content through our social media, so you should “Like” us and “Follow” us if you have a facebook and twitter account.

        By creating your content on fanthem.com, it will give you a platform to reach an audience you otherwise wouldn’t get to so this will allow other users/readers to comment on your articles and give you feedback!

        Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions. My email is fanthemsports@gmail.com. I look forward to start seeing your content! I know your articles will generate a lot of activity on our site!

        – Caleb Boone


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